Die Dokumentation für dieses Modul kann unter Modul:PageUtil/Doku erstellt werden

--[=[ 2014-12-25
* merge()

-- table for export
local PageUtil = {}

local function fault( alert, frame )
    -- Format message with class="error"
    --     alert  -- string, with message
    --     frame  -- object
    -- Returns message with markup
    local r = alert
    if frame then
        r = string.format( "%s * %s", frame:getTitle(), r )
    r = string.format( "<span class=\"error\">ERROR * %s</span>", r )
    return r
end -- fault()

local function flat( adjust, assembly )
    -- Replace links to pages by inner links
    --     adjust    -- string, with text
    --     assembly  -- table, with page infos
    -- Returns adjusted string
    local r = adjust
    local seek, shift, source, subst
    for k, v in pairs( assembly ) do
        source = v[ 1 ]
        shift  = v[ 2 ]
        source = ":?" .. source:gsub( " ", "[_ ]+" )
                               :gsub( "[%.%(%)%*%+%-]", "%1" )
                      .. "%s*"
        seek   = "%[%[%s*" .. source .. "(#[^%[%|%]]*%]%])"
        subst  = "[[%1"
        r = r:gsub( seek, subst )
        r = r:gsub( seek, subst )
        seek  = "%[%[%s*" .. source .. "(|[^%[%]]*%]%])"
        subst = "[[#" .. shift .. "%1"
        r = r:gsub( seek, subst )
        r = r:gsub( seek, subst )
        seek  = "%[%[%s*(" .. source .. "%]%])"
        subst = "[[#" .. shift .. "|%1"
        r = r:gsub( seek, subst )
        r = r:gsub( seek, subst )
    end -- for k, v
    return r
end -- flat()

local function fraction( access, frame )
    -- Retrieve text from section
    --     access  -- string, with request
    --     frame   -- object
    -- Returns content, or false
    local r
    local seek = "^(#lstx?):%s*%[%[([^%[|%]\n]+)%]%]%s*(%S.*)%s*$"
    local scope, source, section = access:match( seek )
    if source then
        local page = mw.title.new( source )
        if page.exists then
            section = mw.text.trim( section )
            if section ~= "" then
                r = frame:callParserFunction{ name = scope,
                                              args = { source,
                                                       section } }
            r = string.format( "<div class=\"error\">%s</div>",
                               page.prefixedText )
    return r
end -- fraction()

local function full( access, frame, alias, assembly )
    -- Retrieve text from page
    --     access    -- string, with page name
    --     frame     -- object
    --     alias     -- number, unique
    --     assembly  -- table, with page infos
    -- Returns string with content, or nil
    local page = mw.title.new( access )
    local r
    if page.exists then
        local source  = page.prefixedText
        local segment = string.format( "PageUtilMerge-%d", alias )
        local seed
        if page.namespace == 0 then
            seed = ":" .. source
            seed = source
        r = frame:expandTemplate( { title = seed } )
        r = string.format( "<span id='%s'></span>\n%s", segment, r )
        table.insert( assembly,  { source, segment } )
        r = string.format( "<div class=\"error\">%s</div>",
                           page.prefixedText )
    return r
end -- full()

PageUtil.merge = function ( args, frame )
    -- Retrieve text
    --     args   -- table, with request
    --     frame  -- object, if available
    -- Returns string, with content
    local max = 0
    local r   = ""
    for k, v in pairs( args ) do
        if type( k ) == "number"  and
           k > max then
            max = k
    end -- for k, v
    if max > 0 then
        local pages = {  { mw.title.getCurrentTitle().prefixedText,
                           "" }  }
        local mode, s, section, swallow
        if not frame then
            frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
        for i = 1, max do
            s = args[ i ]
            if s then
                swallow = s:match( "^%s*(#lstx?:[^\n]*%S)%s*$" )
                if swallow then
                    s = fraction( swallow, frame )
                    swallow = s:match( "^%s*%[%[([^%[|%]\n]+)%]%]%s*$" )
                    if swallow then
                        s = full( swallow, frame, i, pages )
                if s then
                    r = r .. s
        end -- for i
        r = flat( r, pages )
    return r
end -- .merge()

-- Export
local p = { }

p.merge = function ( frame )
    local lucky, r = pcall( PageUtil.merge, frame.args, frame )
    if not lucky then
        r = fault( r, frame )
    return r

function p.PageUtil()
    return PageUtil

return p